It was 20%. How much should I have tipped? 8 months ago
$5 is a pretty cheap tip for a delivery driver tbh 8 months ago 8 months ago
I’ll put it this way… for dine in tipping, 20% is fine. If you order a cheap meal by yourself at a restaurant, that $4 tip on a $20 meal is fine. The server probably didn’t have to spend more than a few minutes with you.
If you are a table of 5 with a bunch of drinks and a $200 tab, the server probably earned their 20% of $40.
For delivery, a flat rate makes more sense. If someone delivers 3 pizzas and some wings for $100, did that take much more effort than delivering 1 pizza for $20? Same number of steps taken, miles driven, gas used, time used, etc.
$8 to $10 makes sense for doorstep delivery in todays economy. $5 was fair pre-pandemic.
If you are getting a whole bunch of stuff delivered then I can see justifying a bigger tip, but probably not percentage based.
A $4 tip on delivery means the driver is taking a loss or maybe breaking even. They shouldn’t have to suffer because you had a small order.
The service you receive for delivery is not as directly correlated with the total ticket amount as much as dine in might be. 8 months ago
I was given four options for a tip: 10%, 15%, 20% and custom. I gave the maximum offered. Now you’re berating me for not giving more?
20% has been the tipping standard in the U.S. for decades now. For everyone who gets tipped.
So I have no idea where you’re getting this from or why you’re berating me for doing what was expected. Maybe berate everyone else who orders pizzas too and not just me since you’re one of the only ones tipping more than 20%. 8 months ago
I’m not beating you, take it easy.
Ask some delivery drivers in any major metro / high COL area in the US.
Flat rate tipping for delivery is a lot more common than you might think; things have changed in the last 4 years. 8 months ago
It’s an insanely high tip 8 months ago
Someone drove you some hot food and you give them $4? You’re like Steve Buscemi in reservoir dogs. 8 months ago
NO! I don’t think you understood at all!
Someone else hired a person and paid them 3.49 to drive hot food around.
Then a customer, who also paid the first person paid them more than their employer did.
If I could slap you over the internet right now I would. 8 months ago
It’s not a high tip, it’s just a very low wage. So proportionally, sure, the tip is very high, but the root issue is criminally low wages. 8 months ago
You want to slap me because I wanted pizza and then I also wanted the person who drove the pizza to my apartment to also be able to afford pizza?
I don’t condone the system, this is simply the pizza system that exists where I live. 8 months ago
Because a tip is meant to be extra. Not their entire pay. 8 months ago
I wish I lived in a country where this was the case.
They are paid a base minimum wage plus tips to drive their own vehicle around all day, paying for their gas, insurance, frequent oil changes and tire wear, putting miles on their car further depreciating the value… the whole point of being a driver is for the tips. Even when people tip well the drivers are mostly taking a loss with the usage of their own cars. 8 months ago
I pay my delivery drivers exactly 0 tips. They’re paid a living wage, no tips needed. 8 months ago
In the USA the delivery drivers live off of the tips… it’s not just high school kids working a summer job. A lot of drivers are working a second job to support their families.
If you live in a major metro area in an apartment building, gain yourself a reputation for tipping decently and you won’t have to leave your apartment. Tip poorly and you will have to meet them down on the street.
It’s not something I voted for, this social contract existed long before I was here.
If I had a vote to abolish the tip system, I would. In the meantime I make sure to tip decently so that the person who gave me service can keep a roof over their head.