Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: šŸ˜€šŸ¤¢šŸ˜ØšŸ˜¢šŸ˜” Monday, June 24, 2024 āØ1ā© āØweekā© ago

Medical procedures, disability, disordered eating

Iā€™m so beyond angry that a rare undiagnosed medical condition has left me enduring severe pain, nausea, difficulty in eating, and bowel dysfunction for almost 20 years. I havenā€™t had it confirmed yet for sure, tests will have to be done, but possibilities have been raised around MALS and Nutcracker Syndrome. Thereā€™s also a strong possibility of gastroparesis. All of these are strongly correlated with the rare genetic disability I was born with. Iā€™m still going to be appreciating food posts and sharing recipes. Iā€™m not going to let it take that from me too. But Iā€™m now facing the possibility of needing a temporary nasojejunal feeding tube (a nasal tube that bypasses a broken stomach and goes straight to the small intestine) to support my nutrition. Despite my efforts to keep eating Iā€™ve deteriorated that badly now. Apparently a lot of people with my physical disability do end up requiring feeding tubes and none of the specialists I sought out fucking bothered to tell me. Nope, it must be psychosomatic! And worse than that, while Iā€™m willing and know what assistance to ask forā€¦ if I canā€™t arrange it another way I still may end up having to repeatedly attend the ER to try and get some action on that. Which will mean repeatedly boarding my cat and waiting in a hospital for up to 12 hours only to potentially be told thereā€™s nothing they can do. For as many times as it takes. (Iā€™ve already done this twice to access a referral to gastro specialists in a different hospital, since the ones I had were actively unhelpful and donā€™t do the procedure I was asking for.) And then thereā€™s refeeding syndrome to face. No pity please, Iā€™m just incensed and having a rant.
