Maybe for you, but there are large parts of the world that are relying on crypto such as the African region which for them has been a game changer as an alternative to their unstable currencies.
Comment on I’ve been locked out of PayPal for years because of their mistake 8 months agoStill, I don’t know any non-shady online shop that takes crypto. 8 months ago 8 months ago
That is legitimately great. Doesn’t make it a good or even viable PayPal alternative for me, a European, though. Or even a viable alternative for the Euro. 8 months ago sells premium grade coffee for Monero. You can also look at There are absolutely tons of legitimate businesses that accept crypto. Actually, when it comes right down to it, it makes a whole lot of sense to accept crypto because the transaction fees are so damn low that businesses save a ton of money over credit card transactions. 8 months ago
But why should I base my shopping habits around a currency/platform when I could just use one that almost everyone takes. When I want to order off a random online shop, I do not want to think about whether they’ll even take the money I have. 8 months ago
Fair enough, I’ll be the first to admit that it takes work in order to use it. I’ll give two reasons. One is a monetary, and one is not.
Reason 1: If we are right, and 15 years of data shows we at least have a point, then you would be an early adopter and very likely end up very wealthy.
Reason 2: You can buy anything from anyone, anywhere, in the world at any time. And it’s guaranteed to be irreversible in 20 minutes. 8 months ago
How is that a good thing? I want to be able to chargeback if I don’t get what I ordered. 8 months ago
So it is speculative.
And should I feel the need to buy something from somewhere I need permission for, I will consider getting some crypto. Haven’t had a situation yet where cash didn’t suffice though.