Comment on I’ve been locked out of PayPal for years because of their mistake 8 months agothen you would be an early adopter and very likely end up very wealthy
So it is speculative.
You can buy anything from anyone, anywhere, in the world at any time without permission
And should I feel the need to buy something from somewhere I need permission for, I will consider getting some crypto. Haven’t had a situation yet where cash didn’t suffice though. 8 months ago
I feel it’s speculative something like electricity was speculative in the early days of electricity when people were doing it wrong and burning down their houses and people laughed at electricity like who would ever want that and now we can’t really live without it. I will agree, cash is a bearer asset and untraceable and therefore is very good. The only real problem with cash is that it’s based on the monetary policy of the governmyth that issues it. They make bad decisions and you suffer for it. 8 months ago
Don’t get me wrong, crypto definitely has its uses. But other than national or international transactions that I‘d prefer to be untraceable, from a European perspective, it seems to be too unwieldy for day to day use. At least for the foreseeable future.
I use PayPal because it quicker and easier than grabbing cash from an ATM or to pay online. I use Apple Pay, because it’s quicker and easier than searching my wallet. Crypto would ad at least a step or two to any of those processes. It’s neither quicker nor easier. 8 months ago
And that’s a totally legitimate viewpoint. I am using it and helping to smooth out the edges so that when you are ready to use it, you will be able to and have the experience that you expect to have. I am willing to put up with the rough edges and difficulties now in order to make your life easier in the future. 8 months ago
Fair. That’s partially why I use Linux while most people are still stuck with Microsoft.