Democracy, rule of law…none of these are the norm in human history. It takes effort to keep alive against human and historical forces that keep pulling us back into becoming authoritarian shitholes. The great delusion is that since Fukuyama many thought liberal democracy was the inevitable final state…it’s not.
Comment on Trump’s Second Term: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) [bot] 7 months ago
This is the most depressing, saddening topic Oliver has covered… so far. Even if Democrats win, conservatives won’t sleep, it will be Project 2029, 2033, 2037, etc. They will keep chipping away and enshitifying everything little by little. The one of the most upsetting things is how Democrats won’t do anything to prevent or undo it. 7 months ago 7 months ago
How shall the democrats put a stop to this without breaking the rules as well? I don’t know if you noticed but these Do-Nothings DO NOTHING, as in DO NOT ALLOW PROGRESS AT ALL COSTS.
but yeah, damnit dems jUsT FiX iT!!! PrEvEnT iT!!!
it’s that easy eh? But dangit they just won’t :( 7 months ago
The liberal establishment doesn’t want fascism either, but they basically invite it by squashing the left, and continually trying to turn out the same slow moving technocratic and means tested solutions even as it slowly grinds us towards fascism still. Fascism is capitalism in decay. When the problems of capitalism rear it’s ugly head, it always resorts to fascism to get back control, assigning blame to some local minorities, giving power to rich people, doing some imperialism or foreign wars to get resources or distract the populace, and killing all the people on the left who suggest alternative solutions (I.e. socialists and communists).
It’s annoying to see it coming from so far away and feeling so utterly powerless =(