For components and wires that are made to a spec, I feel far more comfortable buying from CPC or Mouser.
Amazon sellers just feel like a coin flip if the guy is going to ship you CCA 24 AWG instead of OFC 23, in the hope you don’t notice or bother complaining.
Comment on Trying to buy right size bicycle wheel online 8 months ago
Try purchasing wires or electronic components from Amazon. Same shit, only worse. 8 months ago 8 months ago
Not to mention that Amazon search is happy to ignore most of the words in your search. So you end up sorting through pages of results that don’t match. Absolutely infuriating and one of the reasons that Amazon is my last choice now. Someone decided that it was unacceptable to show “no matching results” and lost my business. 8 months ago
Part of the problem is that some seller cram loads of words into the article that have no real connection to the article as such. 8 months ago
I thought that was the problem at first too. But unless there are fields that are searchable but not visible at all to end users I have definitely found many cases where the term (and no stemmed version of it etc…) was in the listing.