No we don’t, we have 400+ years of capitalist history to tell us what comes next; Oligarchy, neo-feudalism…
People: Cory Doctorow didn’t invent this concept. Read a book.
Comment on YouTube is dedicated to making itself worse; destroys SponsorBlock with ad injection changes 8 months agoWe need Cory to coin a term for what comes after enhittification. Perhaps we can call it the Great Wipening, where we all stop paying to be treated like serfs and start taking back control of our content and data.
No we don’t, we have 400+ years of capitalist history to tell us what comes next; Oligarchy, neo-feudalism…
People: Cory Doctorow didn’t invent this concept. Read a book.
The whole point of this particular comment thread here is that we’re already starting to see what’s happening: people are taking back control. You’re here on Lemmy, proving that exact point.
I never said we needed Cory to tell us what comes next. Just come up with another colourfully descriptive term like he did with enshittification.
You sound like that insufferable ponytail from Good Will Hunting. 8 months ago
You missed an S in end vitrification.
And I completely agree, Cory seems to be good at coining terms and making them stick 👍 8 months ago
Cheers. Fixed.