It could also be that they where talking about something else and Anon, being a weirdo who uses 4chan, got the wrong idea.
Comment on Anon goes to the gym for the first time 8 months agoThis sounds like the gym I used to go to. It was mostly massive powerlifters and female Instagram influencer…all super serious into fitness. And guys would ask me to spot them all the time, and we would often share racks and chat. The girls mostly kept to themselves, but the dudes were all pretty chummy with each other. 8 months ago 8 months ago
Isn’t 4 chan more mainstream then 8 months ago
I see this shit at my gym very rarely, but it’s because they offer free summer memberships to teenagers and some of them don’t know how to act in the adult world. So it’s an asshole teenager thing rather than a gym thing.