Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of June 16th ⁨3⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in! When I was almost done with the Remix mode in World of Warcraft, Blizzard adds a buff, that massively speeds up how your power gain (or buying cosmetics, if you’re into that). This makes playing and gearing alts actually not terrible, so of course now I have to equip a few more chars, just to see how they play with ridiculous stats. My main, a Druid, is pretty much done, and I’d need to do some massive grinding, to see any real increase from this point. I’ll still play the char here and there, because it’s fun, but less than before. I’m currently equipping two other characters, a Warrior and an Evoker, both should take a couple more days, but I don’t think I’ll play them as much as my Druid before. There are a few more classes I want to level, although just to get them to max level, not to really play this mode.

Now I’ll finally get more into the current Diablo 4 season. I just made it to World Tier 3 today on my Necromancer, minion gameplay is still pretty boring, but I’ll wait until I’m closer to max level to decide if I want to switch builds.
