Comment on 7th Grader FORCED To Give Birth Due To GOP Anti-Abortion Laws | The Kyle Kulinski Show | Secular Talk

<- View Parent ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Too true. What's bonkers is that rules on this vary state by state. You move across state lines, and sometimes it feels like you're in an entirely different country. I used to favor "States' Rights" and flexible, empowered local governments who could respond to nearby challenges more surgically than a larger, more lumbering government bureaucracy further away.

Looking back, I see that now that I was naive, and that what I had was an ideal, and wasn't the reality. Republicans always seem to turn "States' Rights" and "Local Authority" into a way to flout sensible Federal laws and do horrible shit like this instead of what they claim to be doing.
