Comment on Pixar CCO Says Live-Action Remakes Bother Him: “I Like Making Movies That Are Original” 8 months agoMovies (or movie style, more properly said) changes all the time. I don’t get what are you trying to say here. But just because animation has gotten considerably better, it doesn’t mean they are different. As an example: luca (one of recent pixar films) has the same style and charm as brave (pixar movie from 10+ years back) and as toy story (pixar movie from 20+ yeara back). All of them capable of making me cry. Their animation style has gotten better and more polished, but they beat with the same heart 8 months ago
I haven’t seen Luca, and never planned to. Disney destroyed a huge amount of goodwill by making mindless live-action reenactions and low quality sequels. I just didn’t plan on betting my time on a Disney movie without somebody recommending it.
And yes, this is what changed. All the movie studios consolidated on a handful, and that handful got a reputation of only pushing shit to the theaters. Added to that, the theater experience got worse and worse for decades, to the point that people don’t really want to go there, they only go for the movie. And on top of that, the theaters have competition nowadays.
People keep blaming it on the pandemic, but I don’t think it’s even relevant. 8 months ago
I mean, you are literally the living example of what i said in the other comment: mindless rage dictated by the opinions of influencers withouth nothing of substance. You admitted yourself you never watched that movie and here you are spewing word vomit. Remember that the opinion of the masses is not the truth, and even more so in something as subjective as art. Then you ask yourself where this decadence is coming from. 8 months ago
Well, I guess being burned up by crap is “mindless rage”, and first person experiencing it is being “dictated by influencers”. 8 months ago
You said it yourself that you were holding on to watching luca because nobody recommended it to you! That’s literally waiting on what everybody says before forming your own opinion. Don’t get me wrong, i’m not saying you are FORCED to like it, but rather than you should be the one making that decision. Also, saying you are burnt out with disney because of crap movies is also deeply subjective. Other people may not think their recent movies are crap, after all they are really not that different from the stuff they did earlier. What makes you think they are, though? You provided no grounds as to why you think that, you just said it. Maybe you should re evaluate what role your nostalgia plays in this, but really pixar movie have not changed as much a you seem to think.
And again, i mean no hostility to you and i get why you might hate a giant corporation like disney. But generalizing in the way you are doing, without regards to nuance, is one of the reasons the movie industry is as it is now.