Comment on Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

<- View Parent āØ10ā© āØmonthsā© ago

No, that was 2. That mechanic and plot point doesnā€™t exist in 3. 3 has very little, if any, fanservice.

And yes, AAA. It cost multiple millions, hundreds of staff working on it, hundreds of hours of VA including notable UK talent (Jenna Coleman, etc), a fully orchestral soundtrack by Yasunori Mitsuda recorded in multiple countries, and the game itself pushes the switch to breaking point. It absolutely counts.

Thereā€™s loads of other examples of decent single player experiences without bullshit, this one just came to mind first. And I hope Baldurs Gateā€™s success brings more like these
