Comment on The First Borderlands Movie Clip Looks Like An SNL Skit 8 months ago
Realistically, celebrities get about 8 movies to perform in their career before my brain is unable to see them as some sort of new character. Kevin Harts comedy stopped carrying his horrible acting about 5 movies ago. 8 months ago
It depends on the actor. When you have an actor, like Gary Oldman for example, that really transform into its role, they can play in an infinite number of movies and they won’t get boring.
But actors, like The Rock or Kevin Hart, that just play themselves over and over again get tiring fast. 8 months ago
To his credit, the trailer does make it look like Kevin Hart is making a genuine attempt to play Roland from the game. Still a weird casting decision. 8 months ago
When you got movies like Tom Cruise in them, you can’t lose!