Don’t forget making temperatures many many times hotter than our own sun, sometimes mere meters away from the coldest temperatures in the universe.
Comment on Somehow metal with zip zap moves rocks without touching and this isn't fiction? 7 months ago
Just wait until you get to nuclear chemistry/physics. We use invisible rays, which can kill you, to turn one rock into a different rock, which possibly can kill you. Only if you have studied for many years are you allowed to wield the magic transmutation beams. We create elements not likely seen in nature (possible, but unconfirmed because of their short lives). We create temperatures colder than anywhere else in the universe. We peer at the fundamental forces of nature and then fuck with them. 7 months ago 7 months ago
Bring this rock close to this other rock, and voilà. It creates magic heat!
Don’t get too close, because it will curse you to an agonizing death years later. However you can use this to boil water and channel the power of thunderstorms.