Comment on Everyday, as an American ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

A few years ago I started using Celsius in my everyday life. It’s been pretty easy, just remember that C scales twice as fast as F, and 32F=0C and you’re set for conversations. It helps to be quick with math, but finding it difficult may make it easier to convince other people to use it instead of F near you. To acclimate yourself you’ll want to change the settings on your phone to use C by default.

I haven’t switched over to m in everyday ise, because all the roadsigns are in Mph and doing that conversion while driving is bad juju.

I’m thinking of rewriting all my recepies in grams and liters If I can figure out how to get our stupidly-over-designed-yet-entirely-jank oven to use C, that’d be good too. If we had one with a bimetalic strip and a knob I’d be able to just print one with the new temperature scale.
