Comment on Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭

<- View Parent ⁨10⁊ ⁨months⁊ ago

The most favorable reading I can give to the “don’t expect this to be the new standard” lines is that BG3 Is special. It is an exceptional piece of art within the genre, and it will be difficult or impossible for other studios to replicate its appeal. Like, you can say that readers really enjoy The Hobbit, or The Expanse, or A Visit from the Goon Squad, but you shouldn’t expect them to be the new standard. Few fantasy books since 1937 have been as good as The Hobbit, although a lot of them have imitated its characteristics.

Viewed that way, they’re absolutely right. We’re going to continue to get a bunch of buggy, derivative crap, and we’ll keep paying for it because…what else are you going to do? Play Skyrim for the 47th time? 23rd run through Elden Ring?
