Comment on Legends of Adventure: The Story of Sierra On-Line 9 months ago
Another old fart here. Some of my first gaming memories are Kings Quest 1 and Space Quest 1. I remember having to go all my parents how to spell certain words to do what I needed to do.
I played both of those originals but then missed out on the sequels until they went vga - sq4 and kq5. Of course as an adult I bought all the collections so I could finally see what I missed in 2-4.
All that to say, thanks for posting this. I’ll always watch another documentary on Sierra. 9 months ago
did they age well? worth playing now? 9 months ago
Even with nostalgia glasses on I had a hard time enjoying the really old ones. That said, I think there’s a lot of charm in sq4 and kq5 5/6. 9 months ago
I think some of the later stuff aged well if you’re into point and click adventure games and some “retro” looking graphics. But the early ones might be a little janky for anyone who didn’t live through that era.
You have to type in the actions you want to do and they looked like this: Image