Comment on Don't you all get tired of the constant negativity? 8 months agoI’ve reached a point in my life where I can be against something without getting mad about it. Sure, sometimes you get a revolution (with all the problems that come with that), but in everyday life, people just aren’t productive when they’re angry. A person living a happy, fulfilled life is more likely to contribute to making the world a better place. 8 months ago
I’m probably going to make a thread about this very topic some day. I find it curious how many people seem to be getting visibly angry when dealing with these topics and that’s interesting because it’s not how I feel at all. I’m not personally involved with most of these events. I can observe things from a distance, look at the available facts and then try and form an educated opinion on it. At no point do I feel any strong emotions about it and I don’t see why I should. It just clouds our judgement. If one is primed to get angry every time they encounter a certain topic then I wouldn’t put too much weight on their opinion about it because it comes from biased and emotionally loaded perspective. Doesn’t mean they’re wrong but I don’t trust the reasoning of that kind of person. 8 months ago
I think the reason I’ve gotten to this point is that I’ve been angry at things before and I’ve very strongly expressed an opinion that I later on found I disagreed with.
This is probably just an age thing, but I could only do that so many times before I stopped to think maybe it’s worth reevaluating how I look at things.