Comment on Pay Day with demographer Liz Allen: 'Poverty grants perspective that can never be bought' 8 months agoIf you get that chance early, or if you are an heir or whatever to fortune kids are easy. If not kids are hard.
But the argument being made here is not about whether raising children is easy or difficult; it’s about whether “money is luck”. Your life choices affect how much money you have. That is a fundamental truth. 8 months ago
Are you being bad faith or genuinely confused here? 8 months ago
You’ll need to be more specific with your questioning. 8 months ago
Do we agree that choices are not free? That the set of choices available to someone is determined by precededing moments, a chain of which extends back well beyond anything a person could be held not merely responsible for but indeed capable of having any influence over at all? 8 months ago
You seem to be misunderstanding the point I am making. I am not arguing that the only thing that dictates wealth are the decisions of the individual. I am arguing that the decisions of the individual contribute to their wealth. Maybe you see the world from a determinist mindset, but I certainly don’t. There are always choices we can make about how we choose to live. Sometimes these require sacrifices, such as the choice to not have 7 children.