Comment on How come no true use for recent AI developments has been found yet? 7 months ago
You're falling into a no true Scotsman fallacy. There are plenty of uses for recent AI developments, I use them quite frequently myself. Why are those uses not "true" uses? 7 months ago
Because by design, once an AI implementation finds a use, it changes names. It has to, it’s just how marketing this stuff works. We don’t use writer AI, we have predictive text; we don’t have vision AI, we have enhanced imaging cancer diagnosis; we don’t have meeting’s AI, we have automatic transcription; we don’t have voice AI, we have software dictation. And this is not exclusive to AI, all fields of technology research follow the same pattern. Because selling AI is a grift. No matter how much you want to fold it, it’s the same thing as selling NFT or Blockchain or any of the previous tech grifts, solutions without problems. No one actually have a use for a fancy chatbot. And when they do and get a nice chatbot going, they won’t call it AI, because AI is associated with grifts and no one wants that perception problem. But when you actually make a product that solves a problem, you sell that product, you stop selling AI. Also AI is way larger than the current stream of LLMs.