8 months ago
Your intentions here may be positive, but you’re basically asking them to shut down their community and posting an ad for your community on theirs to take their traffic. I can see why they removed it and don’t see any problem with that. Send them a DM next time 8 months ago
I sent a DM first. The mod didn’t reply to me but opened this thread.
Yes, that worked just before with the mod of ! (send them a DM, they agreed and locked the community).
As I said, it’s their choice, I agree to disagree, but they could have left the comment instead of removing it. 8 months ago
They have no obligation to leave up your comment which is actively trying to redirect their traffic to your community. I don’t get why you think removing it was a problem 8 months ago
If someone was to make the same comment in this community, I would leave it and discuss why or why not it should happen. I usually only remove content that is disrespectful (insults, harassment) or break the rules. Removing opinions you disagree with doesn’t seem to create a healthy space for conversation.
Also, traffic itself isn’t worth much, and actively moderating a community isn’t a task a lot of people want to do (as you can see in the post, nobody really volunteers).
About it being “my” community, I accept any mod who would like to help (we now have a few, that is nice). There isn’t any real benefit of moderating a community, it’s more of a hassle than anything else, which is probably why nobody wanted to do it over there. 8 months ago
I get you don’t think you were engaging in self-promotion by publicly talking up your community within their community, but you actually were, and it’s explicitly against their rules. And yes, as a mod of this community, it is your community, as it is for anyone involved in this community and who has an interest in driving traffic to it 8 months ago
Awkwardly enough, I’m wondering if sometimes a DM doesn’t federate? I feel like I’ve had DMs get ignored, but am wondering now if it was a federation issue.