Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of June 2nd ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Just started the 3rd public release of Pokemon Vanguard. The almost all the regionals in the game look absolutely fantastic. Doesn’t follow the standard 8 gyms, fight evil team, defeat them, elite 4 pattern from most official and fan games I’ve played. In this one you end up going to some trainer school (vanguard academy), becoming a legal pokemon trainer in the region, and do assignments. So far I’ve only done one and it’s a pretty fun game.

It has 3 difficulty options, options for turning every battle to be a double battle (I assume this doesn’t work on wild pokemon but I have no clue), doing a monorun of every type that won’t let you catch anything other than the type you’re using, and a streamer mode that replaces music that could get you copyrighted. All before you begin the game. Also, I think you can find just about every starter from any of the games, with most of them being regionals with new types, like poison fire chimchar. Even has gen 9 pokemon, which I’m glad is becoming more common.
