Comment on How do you get into wild camping, it seems so overwhelming and a lot of information to try and gather? ⁨6⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

If you have a vehicle, consider car camping. Some of the YouTube I have been watching are “Cheap RV living” and “SUV RVing”. Both of these channels show how little you really need to live in a car.

Something to keep warm, something to cook, somewhere to poop. Lots of people get a little battery bank to keep their phone or laptop charged. Try not to use your vehicle power when parked but you can charge everything while driving. I have been watching a ton of that camping channels because my wife and I are about to live in our car for a while and find where we will move to. We spent the last year gathering everything we think we need for the trip using these videos. People live in cars as small as a Prius (which has climate control when the car is off). We have a slightly bigger car, but I think we can do it after seeing so many people living in cars.
