Comment on Neil Armstrong spaceboot 😤😤😤😤😤😤😡😡😡😡😡😡 9 months agoIt’s a 700k suit to make in today’s money.
That doesn’t include R&D, and very notably doesn’t include things the life support backpack or helmet either. If you add those, you come to something like nearly 2 million in 1967 money, or nearly 19 million in modern money. 9 months ago
$700k was calculated assuming T&D and 2024 dollars, so you’re doubling down on math I already did.
The total budget for the suits in 1967 dollars was $100K/suit. 9 months ago
No the 700k and 20m difference is in development cost. It’s not unfair to include those costs in small unit orders.
Regardless, it was crazy expensive, and shouldn’t be swapped out with the other. The point stands