Where I’m from credit cards aren’t really a thing (they exist obviously but I think people mainly use them when on holiday elsewhere or when buying flights or something since often the card will have some sort of insurance).
Anyway, I was wondering what you use/used your credit card for to get so much debt? Not shaming you in the slightest, just curious since I don’t even own a credit card. And what is the interest on it? Do you pay interest every month? What happens if you can’t pay?
Just curious about the logistics of cc debt. I hear it from stories from the US all the same but don’t understand how it really works.
yokonzo@lemmy.world 8 months ago
The first thing was to get a tv, my simple plan was to pay it off, get some credit score, and then use it again. Next was some big emergency expenses, that raised me to I think $900 debt. Bad, but not horrible. Then my dumb young 20 something ass decided I was a genius by setting up a fake business to get a card reader and “purchase” money to myself to pay rent. That’s what really got me to $2000 and stuck in debt.
Then I think after hovering around that and making payments I got this message in the mail like 2 years later saying I got a rate limit increase to $4k, i think it was the finally having some breathing room mixed with emergency purchases and dumb shit that got me to 4k, honestly i don’t even remember so it must have not been important.
Now that I’m a little bit less of a dumbass I’ve worked my way down to around $3,500, which is hard because the more debt you have, the more fees you pay each month because go fuck yourself, but I’m whittling away at it. I can’t wait till I’m finally down to zero and I don’t have this monster looming over me anymore, fuck credit cards.