this crazy fuck is right. hormones and other substances released in the water/dumped in the water change the genetics of animals living there. but yes cOnsPirAcY tHeoRy… until it’s affecting you it’s all a joke
Comment on Even the fish are turning soy 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 I couldn't even edge my skibdi to this one 9 months ago 8 months ago 8 months ago
Also it’s only a conspiracy if there’s intentional disregard for the best interests of people who you are intentionally hiding information from. Where I live they were pumping out hormones into the river all the way back into the 60s, screwing up fish life. But it’s because they were ignorant and dumb. This is from the same time when the government had a campaign for people to weigh down garbage with rocks before throwing it in the sea, because it’s unsightly when it floats. 8 months ago
keep using those plastic products bro they haven’t said they are bad for us so they must be good. enjoy your micro plastic enriched blood 👍🏽 8 months ago
What’s the difference between a conspiracy and the truth. Abouts 3 months 8 months ago
too many people watching the news and glued to Netflix propaganda but I’m crazy for noticing. riiight 8 months ago
Yes komrade now you will eat ze bugs live in ze pod n own zuffin 9 months ago
The water is turning the catfish gay gosh darn meddling gender fluid catfish