Paying for Healthcare for employees is a way to increase effective compensation while reducing tax burden. By paying for health insurance the company doesn’t have to pay payroll taxes for that amount, and it’s a business expense that can reduce income tax burdens. 9 months ago
Please forgive my ignorance on the topic. You seem to know a lot about it. Are you saying that they save more money than the insurance costs them? 9 months ago
They don’t save more than the cost, but it’s cheaper to pay someone 50k salary + 30k benefits than 80k salary. 9 months ago
Okay, thank you. I wasn’t sure. Why couldn’t they just pay them 50k and lobby for single payer to save money? It seems like you’re suggesting that they’d have to raise wages if single payer was implemented? Maybe I’m still confused, because it still seems like they’d save money in the long run? 9 months ago
Single payer is unlikely to save money. The US spends more for everything, the government is not known for being fiscally responsible.