Comment on Daily discussion thread: 🤕 Tuesday, May 28, 2024 ⁨5⁊ ⁨weeks⁊ ago

You’d think that having lived in Melbourne so long, my friends and I would know to check the weather forecast and plan accordingly, but despite knowing that there would be some bad weather associated with a low pressure system hitting the south of Japan today, we didn’t think to bail from the island yesterday… and this morning’s ferries are now all cancelled.

Luckily I was able to change our ticket to an afternoon ferry but it means I might get to my accommodation in Hiroshima rather late tonight - assuming the ferry even runs, because there’s every chance it might be cancelled too and we’ll have to stay here for an extra night… thank fuck I hadn’t booked my shinkansen ticket but hopefully I can still make it to a later leg of my travel where I’ve got accom and car rental booked. Time to just chill for now though
