Comment on Marxist Financial Advice 9 months agoI lived with my parents, then I lived in a shared apartment, then I lived in a studio apartment, I had dignity and life. You don’t need 3 rooms per person, you don’t need a yacht, you don’t need servants. If you can afford them good for you, but holy privilege demanding that as if it was a bare necessity. 9 months ago
Congrats for you. Here’s the thing, the reason we can’t all have enough to be comfortable isn’t because life is hard, it’s because the resources are kept from us by thieves we hilariously call “elites”.
I’m sorry that I want a better life than scraping by. I’m sorry I don’t love the taste of boot the same way you do. I’m not asking for a mansion you fucking donut. I didn’t ask for servants or yachts or any of that shit. I’m asking for literally one more room and for good reasons which I have already outlined. If tou can’t win the argument without completely making shit up then accept the loss and back down. 9 months ago
Just one more room. Just one more car. Just one more servant.
If you want to live in luxury, earn it. 9 months ago
Jesus Christ, dude, it’s basic decency.
We are earning it. This generation is the most productive one ever and yet all the value we create is being increasingly funnelled to executives who do next to nothing.
Wages are stagnant as hell and rent and shit is going up by astronomical amounts even for units that haven’t really changed operating costs in years just because.
Quit sucking boot and stand up for yourself, damn. The rich aren’t going to reward you for this. 9 months ago
I saved enogh living in smaller apartments to have bought a house now. I don’t know what to you mean with boot, but cool story bro.