Comment on Homeless physicist 'sick of smelling of my own BO' living in a van in a region with impossible rent

<- View Parent ⁨5⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

Some years ago, I remember reading posts (can’t remember where I saw them) from a guy who lived out if his car in Sydney.

He was doing it by choice to save money to get an apartment. He had a job, but didn’t want to waste money on rent. He covered a lot of tios and tricks, and answered heaps of questions. Eg a little heater for cold night, membership for 24hr gym so you could shower/ exercise, best places to park etc…

What struck me the most, was I started out thinking the guy was crazy, but ended up admiring him and thinking maybe he was the only sane one.

This is just a side story though, and this guy had many advantages that other homeless people don’t.

Being homeless is no joke, and we shouldn’t have a society where people don’t have basic shelter.
