Comment on Sims 4 devs assemble team to focus on fixing bugs and upping performance 9 months agoI don’t even know how I feel about this. On the one hand, it’s great we’re moving away from 4 which was always a shitshow to begin with, on the other hand I have no faith whatsoever 5 is going to be even on par with 4. 9 months ago
I’m both hopeless and optimistic at the same time. I want it to be good so I’ll reserve judgement until we get actual concrete info.
Yeah, I got sick of the way they dealt with dlc for 4. Early on it was still kind of annoying but if you were of a certain persuasion you could look past it. But compared to how it ended up being, the early days of 4 expansions now look like heaven.
Instead of playing 4 I’ve been messing around with XP and playing 1, 2 and the Stories games. I’m sad the series had ended up how it is but I’m glad of the earlier games still though and they bring me endless joy.