Comment on Getting stuck in the bush: Or how I learned not to be an idiot or trust google maps. 9 months agoMy car is a proper 4WD (albeit small) so I have an Australian-made GME XRS-330C installed with an antenna permanently mounted on the roof.
I have an inexpensive GME TX677 in my glove-box for emergencies and an even more inexpensive TX667 in my centre console as a loaner for anyone I am driving with (for their passenger to use, of course).
I plan on upgrading to an XRS-660 as my portable, but it is at the bottom of my Wishlist.
During the chip shortage, I purchased an XRS-330CP as temporary solution. I loan that to family members on touring holidays so we can use the XRS/GPS feature to keep track of each other.
Speaking of which, the GME XRS app has great maps too! 9 months ago
The dedicated car radio + antenna probably helps a lot. The radios i have are many times more powerful than your radios, but when we have tried to use them hiking, they just dont cut it. They are also half the price of your inexpensive radio, so you get what you pay for :D 9 months ago
Yeah, we have some of the no-name UHF radios in the kids toybox.
We don’t put batteries in them, in case the kids hear something on the airwaves that isn’t suitable for young children.
We have one high-end Chinese UHF in the garage in a box. It was purchased because it could be reprogrammed to pickup all 80 UHF channels instead of just the 40 that were available for public use. It has never been used.