Comment on What is the worst US state to live in generally? ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

IIRC Louisiana is at the bottom of most lists in the US for all kinds of factors, including financial. Florida (of course) and Texas are in a race to the bottom, each having a horrible ghoul of a Governor and an insane, FAR right government that leans so hard on its culture war that you’d think it had a stilt on just the other foot. California has two urban centers with a cost of living so damn high that you need a 30 year mortgage for a tent in ditch.

Here in my home of Illinois, taxes were jacked up to fix a budget so corruptly mismanaged that the State was so broke that it broke broke, and where there’s an even chance that any given governor from the last 50 years was convicted of a felony. And my home city of Chicago has a police union so crooked and powerful that they’re basically the government, and the mistreatment of the poor has kicked murder rates up to record levels. Again. At least our food is awesome though - suck it NYC.

Oh and New York sucks for poorly defined (by us Chicagoans) reasons, but especially their Pizza, and all their sports teams.
