Comment on Oil and Gas Billionaires Drum Up Dollars for Trump ⁨4⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

This is why “moderate” economical policy doesn’t make sense.

American fossil fuel companies are producing more and making more money under Biden than they did under tump, but those billion dollar corporations are never going to be happy.

They’ll donate to whichever team will help them more, there’s no way to appease them more than Republicans are going to, so why even play that game?

Why not give voters want they want instead of taking millions from fossil fuels companies so you can use that money to convince voters they should still vote against their own interests.

I just don’t understand why “moderates” don’t get this, they can’t be this fucking stupid, it’s gotta just be that they love the lifestyle that comes with running campaigns that cost over 2 billion (the estimated cost of Biden’s 2024 campaign…/biden-campaign-money.html)
