Comment on Was Disney's Fox purchase a huge waste of money? ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I think you are expecting changes too soon. X-Men will likely be joining the MCU: Deadpool 3 and Fantastic Four are both upcoming. The MCU is announced though 2027, so the earliest we might see X-Men is 2028.

Disney has future plans to roll Hulu content into Disney. The reason it hasn’t is that Disney does not own Hulu outright: it owns 2/3 of Hulu, and Comcast owns 1/3. In January 2024, both companies have the option to force Disney to buy Comcast’s shares, which will then give Disney 100% ownership.

Mergers are not magic things that make everything change the next day. It takes years. My company merged with another 8 years ago and only in the past year have we lined up our pay schedule and rebranded all our offices. Disney only bought Fox 4 years ago. It might be another decade before everything is finalized.
