The only time I ever see evidence of Anarcho types they are being literally as annoying as possible.
Comment on Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much 9 months ago
Lmao check out all the salty libs seeing themselves get called out in these comments.
- sincerely, an anarcho-syndicalist 9 months ago 9 months ago
Anarchists are pretty active in their communities, with mutual aid and direct action being cornerstones of the ideology and whatnot. If you spent any time in activist spaces you’d know that 9 months ago
The point is they need to bring the nice side to public spaces, not be insular with the nice, and turn the mean to everything else. 9 months ago
I think what you’re describing is less of an anarchism problem and more of a “people in general” problem. I’m an anarchist and I’d like to think I conduct myself pretty well for the most part, even in political discussions. I won’t say I haven’t been an ass online or in person before but that’s not due to my ideology. I’m just an ass sometimes. Same as everyone else. I will concede that we can be a bit insular at times and that’s certainly a weak spot for many anarchists 9 months ago
…you said, being literally as annoying as possible and contributing nothing constructive
…he said, fully cognizant of the hypocrisy, which is why he decided to contribute a snarky editorial comic 9 months ago
Yeah, that 9 months ago
Bro you gotta be constructive not destructive if you want to sway opinions
At least I admitted my hypocrisy and did something about it. You’re just doubling down on a lazy stereotype to avoid engaging with constructive criticism. 9 months ago
I returned because I noticed your edit. I was being a bit snide, mostly because the meme is assuming everyone who calls someone a lib is authoritarian-aligned. If you’d like to know about the positive work I do as an organizer, I’d be happy to share. However, to me those actions are just the right thing to do and not worth bringing up randomly. 9 months ago
That’s fair. Below I clarified as well, this is a meta.thread. of course no one is discussing their work here. Also my opinion is anecdotal. Of course there are leftists who work very hard to move the window, and help others. 9 months ago
Pretty much. “Lol why don’t you like libs?”
…cause we don’t like things the way they are, and the only goal of the libs appears to be prevent any sort of progress. Maybe we are allowed relief from existing problems, but fuck you if you wanna fix em! 9 months ago
“Liberal” in America is literally synonymous with “progressive”. The entire point of the party is progress. here’s another one 9 months ago
Lol which party is pushing for progress?
The one throwing kids in jail for protesting genocide?
The one funnelling money to Israel hand over foot?
The one that let Republicans stack the judiciary while crying that it was “unfair” but not actually working to stop it?
Fuck the D’s bunch of cowards. 9 months ago
Fuck the GOP. They’re doing everything you criticise the Dems for, except worse. That’s what “progress” means. Not that everything is instantly perfect. That it’s less bad. 9 months ago
What are you even talking about? There are numerous Democrat politicians who don’t label themselves as progressive. 9 months ago
I didn’t say “Democrat” at all in my comment.
All progressives are Democrats, not all Democrats are progressives. The Democratic party is a coalition. 9 months ago
No, the entire point of liberalism is continued private property rights. 9 months ago
*Economic liberalism.