Not voting is still participating in the system because you live with the results, sorry mate. You don’t get to opt out then absolve yourself of guilt from the result if its the worst case.
Not voting is still participating in the system because you live with the results, sorry mate. You don’t get to opt out then absolve yourself of guilt from the result if its the worst case. 9 months ago
Oh I’ll still be guilty of paying taxes, and of not doing more, but I won’t be guilty of voting for a genocidaire. Call it a boycott, call it conscientious objection, call it whatever you want, but I won’t sign my name to a genocide. 9 months ago
Taking away a vote for “less genocide” is equal to voting for more.
You seem to care more about shortsighted moral grandstanding than actually giving a fuck about the body count. 9 months ago
It is a sad day indeed when opposing an active genocide is characterized as “moral grandstanding”. 9 months ago
Choosing the path that makes more death more likely while claiming to want no death…yeah, that’s moral grandstanding.
I get that it’s a real-life “trolley problem” situation, but it really isn’t that complicated. It sucks that the lever only goes two ways because of FPTP, but you’re not a more moral person for refusing to touch it.
If you actually care about people being killed, then join the movement against the FPTP system so that in the future “no genocide” will be an option, and in the meantime exercise your ability to save lives.