Comment on American wanting to move abroad, what's the best bet for an registered nurse? 7 months ago
Thoughts on New Zealand or Austrailia?
Comment on American wanting to move abroad, what's the best bet for an registered nurse? 7 months ago
Thoughts on New Zealand or Austrailia? 7 months ago
I know nothing about them. I’d have to read up on them, like quality of life, safety, level of antisemitism, etc 7 months ago
Nz is more tolerant to different cultures, Australia offers a higher pay and lower living costs. However as a American they will not see you as much as an outsider. 7 months ago
Interesting, I have heard AUS has like the highest quality of life on Earth so that does make it somewhat appealing. That and the good weather. 7 months ago
Australia also has yearly floods, wildfires or tornadoes depending on the area. And the wildlife will try to kill you. 7 months ago
here in NZ I’d say we are much more progressive than the states, although we have a centre right government at the moment.
you will earn less than the US I would think, but I would hope that our quality of life is better.
Safety? not every second person is carrying a sidearm or protesting with an AR style firearm 7 months ago
Yeah a lack of gun culture would be a huge plus for me. I’ll def look into NZ 7 months ago
You guys also have a wayyyy better version of Taskmaster than the garbage we got in the US which is pretty cool 7 months ago
Oh no. I’ve watched All but an episode or 2 of the new series for UK, and all of Australia, and New Zealand. I’m assuming there is a reason I had no idea there is an American version