Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago
I love vegans. A few of my friends are vegan. There are two things some vegans will say which boil my piss, however. First is that they have a moral high ground because they don’t eat animals. This isn’t a given, it’s a complex and nuanced argument I’d happily partake in if the other party weren’t approaching it with a top-down belief that they’re already in the right. Second is the notion that we should all be vegan to save the planet from climate apocalypse. I don’t want this comment to get too long, but I have multiple problems with this faulty line of reasoning, and it muddies the waters. The only likely effect of it is that less progress is made on stopping global heating. So the upshot is that these people are literally sacrificing the ecosystem they purport to care about in order to bang their drum. Fuck that. 9 months ago
Veganism IS morally correct. I eat meat because I like it, but ethically, environmentally, it’s clearly worse than eating meat. It’s ok to admit you do things which aren’t morally the best 9 months ago
Fully agree. Honestly there’s a few subjects where this kinda logic comes up and I get annoyed. Like it’s fine to not be perfect, but don’t pretend that you aren’t perfect, or that your choices are somehow ‘good’ when they aren’t, just because you don’t like the realization. 9 months ago
I don’t think you get to make a black and white, general argument about this. How about this: if a person raises and cares for a chicken, giving it a charmed live it would have otherwise never have, but takes and eats its unfertilised eggs, then that’s not morally wrong.
It’s just not as obvious as people think, and your first sentence is a naive oversimplification and a great example of the kind of lazy argument I’m talking about. But I don’t want to get into it with my friends since it’s such a touchy subject, and I’ll never get a decent conversation about it online. 9 months ago
You were talking about eating meat and I clearly mentioned eating meat in my response. Eggs is a different topic 9 months ago
Veganism is the topic. Vegans don’t eat eggs.