People were talking about it during Reagan’s Presidency.
There were giant homeless encampments in all major cities throughout the 1980s.
Read Hunter Thompson’s book “Hell’s Angels.” There’s a chapter that talks about the economics of being a biker/hippie/artist circa 1970. A part time waitress in New York could afford to support herself and her musician boyfreind. A biker could put in six months as a Union stevedore and make enough to hit the road for two years of carousing.
And the idea that Obama caused the melt down of 2008 is pretty hilarious. 9 months ago
A financial crisis that was caused by those and the policies that sprung from those policies. The trends that were started then. The idea that you look at something as gargantuan as the economy and think that it’s not affected by things that happened decades before is insane. Also weird to complain about culture War when that’s what Reagan began. Though it’s policy that we’re concerned with at the moment. Policy.
Also the 2008 financial crisis started under Bush. I know why you think you could change history on that one. 9 months ago
Not changing history. Just saying that democrats had all the power they could want and failed to implement change to make things better. Literally after running on a campaign of Change.