Boycotting the game would hurt Arrowhead far more than Sony, and they were forced to do this. Like beating a dog because the owner upset you.
Comment on Glorious Victory 9 months agoYeah but now people will get right back to spending money on the game. So at the end of the day it’s still Sony laughing all the way to the bank.
Shit like this should result in a boycott not in “at least it’s not as bad as it could’ve been”. 9 months ago 9 months ago
You don’t owe Arrowhead anything. They’re not a dog, they’re a company who’s made bad choices and now has to deal with them.
What use is a good game if you get blocked out or exploited trying to play it? Do you really want to give your money away? Ok, but stop wondering why the industry is going to shit. It’s because of gamers with more money than sense. 9 months ago
Again, this was not Arrowheads choice. It’s forced on them by Sony. 9 months ago
Again, why do you care? You paid for a product. That product is now different from what it was supposed to be. You’ve been screwed and switch-baited. Why do you care what unholy combination of companies led to this? If it were any other industry and any other type of product you’d be screaming murder. But because it’s games we find excuses. 9 months ago
I never ended up refunding my copy, but I’m certainly not gonna give a single cent to the live service side of the game. I already hadn’t paid for anything, but was considering it before this shitshow. Now, I think I’ll just buy copies of Magicka and throw them at friends to try and support Arrowhead.