Comment on Imagine denying other living and breathing lifeforms agency to thrive amd change lol lol lol 7 months agoNah, more like rented their place until they could give back to the earth with the ultimate sacrifice.
Comment on Imagine denying other living and breathing lifeforms agency to thrive amd change lol lol lol 7 months agoNah, more like rented their place until they could give back to the earth with the ultimate sacrifice. 7 months ago
Isn’t that what we all do though? 7 months ago
Humans are bizarrely fond of stuffing their dead with preservatives, hermetically sealing them in a box, and/or incinerating them. Like, it’s our last chance to give a little bit back to nature, but nope. 7 months ago
That just delays things ultimately 7 months ago
With all the crap we put in ourselves it’s a good thing we slow down that process, like the casing of a slow action pill 7 months ago
How’s incinerating bad? Unless you’re keeping the leftovers I guess