Comment on What firing your PR team does to a motherfucker 10 months agoI did some Googling just now and all I can find is that there was bad blood between him and the directors. I’m also not nearly in the loop enough to know what “pulling a Chevy Chase” means (Google is no help there either). Could you please elaborate on that? 10 months ago
Yeah, that bad blood between him and directors is what I’m talking about. He pissed off so many that no one wanted to work with him anymore which is why his acting career was non-existent for the past few years. He couldn’t get a job so he ran off to silicon valley and started hanging out with the tech bros until they got annoyed with his shit too. His shit? Well that’s the ‘Chevy Chase’ thing I was talking about. General arrogance, a belief that he’s gods gift to mankind, over extending of his talent and intelligence and a routine shattering of any relationship he makes due to his own arrogance.
The tl;dr is that Chevy Chase got stupid famous, over reached, was rude to a lot of people who didn’t want to deal with him anymore and he fell out of favor and into obscurity. He then came back with Community but was acting the exact same on the show so lost it all again.
The not tl;dr…
Chevy Chase was a comedic actor on SNL and got very very popular on it with a phrase “I’m Chevy Chase and you’re not.” Would do the Weekend Update and to great love. Was the most popular person on the show by a mile. He started doing movies and such and it all immediately went to his head. Couple seasons into SNL and he had a massively inflated ego and would throw his weight around wherever. Would insult whoever he wanted, do whatever he wanted and generally act like he was Gods gift to mankind. An insane amount of drugs was done as well (dunno about that when it comes to Ed Norton) and his arrogance became unmatched. He would argue with directors and other actors and pretend like he was the best thing in the movie because he was the A List star in it. He also did, during this period of great fame and assholery, two Comedy Central Roasts. The first one had a bunch of people from SNL and people he worked with who gently roasted him as this was during the days when it was based off of the Briars Club, a NYC old boys group that did a lot of these in roasts. For 5 years they made a deal with CC to air them. Chevys was one of the roasts. The deal ran out though and Comedy Central decided to make their own roasts. Chevy, liking the first one, decided to come back for another and Comedy Central was more than happy to oblige. Problem though. No one wanted to be on it. Chevy had run out of friends in Hollywood. He had pissed off too many directors and producers and shit talked his cast mates too frequently. No one liked him anymore. So the Roast was filled with nobodies. Now they’re all fairly well known with Marc Maron and Stephen Colbert being amongst the roasters but at the time no one knew who they were. Colbert even talked about that in his roast section which broke Chevy. You can see his face visibly change throughout the roast. This is that section. I post it simply because of how fucking brutal it is.
Edward Norton is the dramatic acting version of Chevy Chase. Massively talented, massively famous, and massively egotistical to the point of damn near losing everything and having to take a break before coming back. Whether he continues to shoot himself in the foot or not is yet to be seen.