Back when people just made stuff on the internet for shits and giggles.
As opposed to?
Comment on Trust issues 10 months ago
I actually kinda miss the days of internet screamers (what we called jumpscares back then). Back when people just made stuff on the internet for shits and giggles. Granted the ghost car video is part of an ad series, but most screamers were just homemade videos or flash.
Back when people just made stuff on the internet for shits and giggles.
As opposed to?
For likes, subs, your personal data, or advertising eyeball time?
It was a time with a lot of “you’re the 10th million visitor to this website, you’re a winner” and “this is how to get a bigger dick” popups, and no adblockers.
People always pine for the “good old days” without realising they’re just remembering (or imagining) things with a huge bias.
Yeah if you were a n3wb bitxh and not a 1337 h4x0r like me.
The internet was better 25-30 years ago. No rose glasses needed. It was the wild west, and now we’re just hopping from walled garden to walled garden.
Unsurprisingly people don’t desire to revisit the bad aspects of the past… It would be a bit odd if someone was like:
“wasn’t it great back when the internet took 92 times longer to load, and there was no youtube?”
I mean, what kind of person are you imaging?
“I miss having gonerea”…
… that’d be a weird kind of person no?
It doesn’t mean they’ve forgotten those things, it’s just not what people were talking about. 10 months ago
Thank you. I totally didn’t remember what this meme was about and was very confused.