The problems with ME3 go deeper than the ending. Most just seem to let it all slide though for some reason.
Comment on Let's discuss: Mass Effect 10 months ago
If it weren’t for the last season of Game of Thrones, the last 35 minutes of Mass Effect 3 would still be #1 on my list of “fastest ways to rapidly obliterate everything your fans love, retroactively, forever.” Somehow the Star Wars Prequels are #3. 10 months ago 10 months ago
If you feel that way about the prequels, just wait until you see the sequel trilogy. 10 months ago
Related: if you’re playing through from 1-3, maybe see if there are any “Indoctrination Theory” mods. 10 months ago
I remember being confused by the ending but tbh never to the extent it ruined the rest of the franchise retroactively. Not even Andromeda managed to so that! I still have fond memories of ME and I'm constantly tempted to replay it with the legendary edition, if only I had the time.