Comment on does lemmy world automod removing a post from Ani social affect only lemmy world? 9 months ago
the post was removed by a Lemmy.World admin.
Since the post is not in a Lemmy.World community and your user is not on Lemmy.World either, this removal is only affecting Lemmy.World users.
Our AutoMod is only notifying you about this happening, but the wording should be improved to make it more clear what happened. 9 months ago
If the removal reason is that it wasn’t marked NSFW do you restore the post if it is edited to be correctly flagged and the poster asks for it to be restored? 8 months ago
if the missing NSFW mark is the only reason for removal we’re generally open to restore content after that has been fixed.
we will not actively search out content that has been removed and then was updated to include the nsfw mark, but this would be doable on request.