Comment on How did you get your job? Any advice? ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I’ve done a few things.

I have a mailing list for all my recruiters. They all get added in whenever I get pings on LinkedIn or cold calls. When I am looking for work the mailing list all gets BCC’d a message saying I’m looking, here is my resume, what I’m looking for, etc. When I book an interview I BCC them all saying one of the recruiters has setup an interview, if you work on their behalf do not submit my name as I know there are issues with multiple recuiters doing that. They all get the info, and honestly all the recruiters I’ve worked with have loved this.

Second is apply to everything. There have been places where their job description was my exact work history and yet I get no response. No one is hamed by you applying all over. They want candidates and if no one applied then the jobs would stay empty. I found a job in 4 months of looking but I applied to probably 70 jobs. Some were me trying to get a huge raise and position job, a few were worst case scenario. The job before my previous one took 9 months of looking and a few hundred applications. I did get a few offers along the way but not things I wanted to do.

It is all a numbers game. I’ve been a developer for 25 years and it has never been a one and done task. I have all sorts of crap to toot my own horn and I’d say that in 90% of the jobs I apply for I’m overly qualified and yet many times I didn’t get a call because the person fielding my resume and application didn’t move it along. Was the role filled? Did they think I’d get bored or expect more pay? Did they not like the font I’m using? I will never know.

Oh and your interview skills needs to be worked on.
