Comment on Had to buy a certain product to use a certain substance and there's a really stupid new law. 10 months agoThe vape is classified as a tobacco and cannabis product. So what loophole are they using and how’s it vague?
You realize, I only used it for X is a defense that has failed in court countless times, yeah? Theres always precedence and you want to claim ignorance of this. That doesn’t work dude. 10 months ago
Where does it say that the vaporizer is classified as something used for tobacco or cannabis in PACT? 10 months ago
Did YOU even read your own source……? 10 months ago
The source is an article talking about the law, not the law itself. The law itself is quoted and does not make it clear that it is also about cannabis, which is the problem.
Laws should be clear and precise. I’m not sure why people think otherwise. 10 months ago
It’s covered by the fucking smoking law that covers both.
I’m sorry you can’t comprehend how laws are intertwined, but you’ve also had a dozen people tell you the exact same thing.
Its not easy to convince you that your show is untied is it?