Comment on Had to buy a certain product to use a certain substance and there's a really stupid new law. 10 months agoIs tobacco illegal to sell to minors?
Is cannabis illegal to sell to minors?
If the answer to both of these questions are yes, and you are still arguing, you need to seriously re-read cannabis and tobacco laws…. 10 months ago
Again, that is not evidence that PACT was intended to restrict minors from using cannabis. It doesn’t sound like you have evidence. 10 months ago
Do you seriously want them to make a second law when tobacco already covers the sale to minor part? I’m sure most other people can draw this parallel… 10 months ago
I understand this is your opinion. Opinions are not evidence. And yes, laws are supposed to be very precise, especially when dealing with commerce. 10 months ago
It’s not my opinion, it’s a waste of taxpayer dollars when the laws already cover themselves. It’s illegal because it’s illegal for tobacco, and tobacco and cannabis have the same restrictions. So to restrict one with a law, automatically restricts the other, which is an extremely efficient way to make laws and legislation.
I’m sorry you seem to have a misunderstanding of how laws work. Sober up and reread this dude, seriously.