It’s not about entirely replacing people. It’s about reducing the number of people you hire in a specific role because each of those people can do more using AI. Which would still displace millions of people as companies get rid of the lowest performing of their workers to make their bottom line better.
Comment on Ah, Yes! AI Will Surely Save Us All! 10 months ago
Displacing millions of workers
I have seen what AI outputs at an industrial scale, and I invite you to replace me with it while I sit back and laugh. 10 months ago 10 months ago
It’s not about entirely replacing people
Tell yourself that all you wish. Then maybe go see this thread about Spotify laying off 1500 people and having a bit of a rough go with it. If they could they would try to replace every salaried/contracted human with AI. 10 months ago
Yeah I’m not arguing that replacing people isnt what they want to do. They absolutely could if they would. I was just responding to the person saying they can’t be replaced cause AI can’t do what they do perfectly yet. My point was that at least for now it’s not entirely replacing people but still displacing lots of people as AI is making people able to do more work. 10 months ago
AI is making people able to do more work.
It’s not. AI is creating more work, more noise in the system, and more costs for people who can’t afford to mitigate the spam it generates.
The real value add in AI is the same as shrinkflation. You dump your clients into paying more for less, by insisting work is getting done that isn’t.
This holds up so long as the clients never get wise to the con. But as the quality of output declines, it impacts delivery of service.
Spotify is already struggling to deliver services to it’s existing user base. It’s losing advertisers. And now it will have fewer people to keep the ship afloat. 10 months ago
my company announced today that they were going to start a phased rollout where AI would provide first responses to tickets, with it initially being “reviewed” by humans with the eventual goal being it just sending responses unsupervised. The strength of my "OH HELL NO" derailed the entire meeting for a solid 15 minutes lmao